Banner title

Banner title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consequat, nisl commodo vehicula sodales.


Banner title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec consequat, nisl commodo vehicula sodales.


Korduma kippuvad küsimused

Click on the "New user" button on the upper right side of the screen and fill in all the fields: name fields, phone, e-mail, address, parcel machines and bank card data. This allows you to use the Swapit service in the most convenient way. If you are for sale, in addition to the above, you can register yourself as a merchant. To do this, you need to make the appropriate selection in the "Account settings" option and additionally enter the company data and bank account.

Aadressi on alati võimalik muuta konto seadete valikus.

Järgige parooli lähtestamise juhiseid

Kaupa ei saa tagastada haldajale, vaid otse kauba müüjale. Müügiinfo on Sulle saadetud koos ostu ja tasumist kinnitava arvega.

Sel juhul palume saata meile vastav pretensioon koos kahjustuste piltidega 24 tunni jooksul peale kauba kättesaamist.

Kaardiandmed on vajalikud ostude ja nendega seotud teenuste eest tasumiseks. Pangaandmed on vajalikud müüdud kaupade eest maksete tegemiseks oma Swapitis kontolt teie pangakontole.

Isikuandmeid säilitame kooskõlas andmekaitseseadusega ega jaga neid kolmandate isikutega (v.a OÜ Swapsmart teised veebikeskused)

Palun saatke oma pretensioonid aadressile

You click on a person's profile and by selecting Products, you will see a view of your products in which you can also add items and things for sale.

You click on a person's profile and selecting Products opens a view of your products where you can also make items and things not public.

You click on the person's profile and by selecting Products, you will see a view of your products where you can also delete offers.

You click on the person's profile and by selecting Products, you will see a view of your products where you can also change the offers.